Innovative and forward-thinking in land promotion and development
Reserved matters approval has been received for the development of 30 residential properties at Little Melton.... [read more]
27 Mar 2020
We have exchanged contacts for the sale of a site for 25 units to a local developer subject to reserved matters approval.... [read more]
1 Nov 2019
We have received reserved matters approval for a scheme of 84 residential properties at Horsford... [read more]
1 Feb 2019
Outline planning permission has been granted at appeal subject to a requirement for an application to made for reserved matters approval within 12 months. The development is for 30 residential prope... [read more]
7 Jan 2019
We have exchanged contracts for the sale of approximately 8 acres at Horsford for a residential scheme of 84 residential units of which 33% are affordable.... [read more]
13 Aug 2018
William H Brown are now marketing the site for 25 units of which 10 are affordable (65% to rent and 35% shared ownership). For further information please see the planning information on Breckland Di... [read more]
8 Aug 2018
We have made planning application made for a 56 unit residential scheme at Martham on a site of 3.1 ha (7.66 acre) adjoining Repps Road having agreed a sale subjec to planning to a local developer. ... [read more]
27 Oct 2017